Sunday, July 4, 2010

First post...

Location: messy desk
Weather: sunny/cloudy
Mood: excited
Drinking: H2O

So, today's the first day of my blogging career.

So let me first tell you - shortly and sweetly - how I got started.

I was on Facebook, like any other old teenager, when this thing pops up at the sidebar saying "Teen Writers Needed". I clicked on it because I'm a teen writer myself. I got to this weird site that I didn't understand how it worked, so I re-searched it on Google and found an even better site: teenswritingforteens.

Lemme tell you: there are some AMAZING people out there who write books. Growing up, I've always thought I was the weird one. Other kids played soccer and went out to see movies. I sit at home on my computer and write stuff. I didn't know there were teenage writers super-active out there, and some of them are actually published.

This gives great hope to me. Why? 'Cause I'm a young writer myself. I've been forming stories in my head and "making books" since I knew what they were. I've written 3 novels in my life so far, the first one which I started at age 9. I'm working on a 4th one that I'm making my friends read (teehee). My dream is to be published, to have others enjoy what I do, and to enjoy what I do myself.

I hope this blog will gather interest in my work, and a utility to showcase work to the professionals. I ask for all of your support. I hope I'll build a strong following, but this will only happen if you, the reader, is willing to help.

1 comment:

  1. CharTheShark,

    this is so neat! it fits u perfectly.
    i'll be following :)
